eHive development in a nutshell

Repository structure

The ensembl-hive repository has a similar structure to the other Ensembl repositories (modules, DBSQL, scripts).

|-- docker                           # Everything related to Docker, especially the Dockerfile
|-- docs                             # The user manual (mostly RestructuredText documents)
|-- modules                          # Perl modules, all under the Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive namespace
|   `-- Bio
|       `-- EnsEMBL
|           `-- Hive
|               |-- DBSQL            # Object adaptors
|               |-- Examples         # Example PipeConfigs and Runnables
|               |-- Meadow           # Default meadow implementations
|               |-- PipeConfig       # Base class for PipeConfigs
|               |-- RunnableDB       # Default set of Runnables
|               |-- Scripts
|               `-- Utils
|-- scripts                          # Public scripts
|   `-- dev                          # Internal scripts
|-- sql                              # Schema definition files and SQL patches
|-- t                                # Test suite
|   |-- 01.utils
|   |-- 02.api
|   |-- 03.scripts
|   |-- 04.meadow
|   |-- 05.runnabledb
|   `-- 10.pipeconfig
`-- wrappers                         # Wrappers for other languages
    `-- python3

eHive vs Ensembl

eHive is completely independent from the Ensembl Core API (since version 2.0), but it still exhibits several links.

When the Registry is present, all the adaptors will be recorded there (under the group hive), but eHive doesn’t need the Registry to get data adaptors: eHive data adaptors are kept under their DBAdaptor. eHive still knows that Ensembl databases are often referred to by species and type, and will use the Registry in those cases (which can be loaded from a configuration file).

DBSQL::CoreDBConnection is mostly a copy of Core’s DBSQL::DBConnection, but both files are now diverging slightly. When the latter is available, the former will inherit from it, thus maintaining compatibility for programs that check that the connection object as the Core type. eHive has developed new functionalities in its own DBSQL::DBConnection, and has reimplemented DBSQL::StatementHandle to allow catching connection errors and automatically reconnecting.

In summary, eHive connections are protected against:

  • “MySQL server has gone away” errors through:

    • a reimplementation of DBSQL::StatementHandle (which allows code to be entirely compatible with the Core API)

    • allowing to call dbh methods on the connection object itself (whilst capturing the error), though this requires the calling code to be updated. In hindsight, it would have been better to implement a new class DBSQL::DatabaseHandle that would wrap and protect db_handle calls the same way DBSQL::StatementHandle wraps and protects sth calls.


      $dbc->db_handle->prepare is protected by calling $dbc->protected_prepare because DBConnection::prepare() already exists.

  • Deadlocks and “Lock wait timeout” errors through a new protected_prepare_execute method that combines prepare and execute. protected_prepare_execute has to be explicitly called, and is currently only used in critical statements (usually revolving around job semaphores, statuses and log messages.

Custom ORM


eHive has its own, home-made, ORM. The base class BaseAdaptor implements all the database-related methods. Your new adaptor will very likely inherit from one of its two subclasses: NakedTableAdaptor or ObjectAdaptor. The former deals with unblessed hashes, while the latter deals with objects (blessed hashes).

eHive adaptors can automatically do many things (as we will see below) but they are by design limited to operating on a single table. This means that the eHive API has a 1-to-1-to-1 mapping between tables, adaptors and objects.

The basic bricks exposed by BaseAdaptor are:

  • count_all counts the number of rows in the table given a certain constraint.

  • fetch_all fetches some rows in the table given a certain constraint.

  • fetch_by_dbID fetches one object by its primary key.

  • remove_all removes some rows in the table given a certain constraint.

  • remove removes a particular object.

  • store_or_update_one will automatically run one of these:

    • store to add a new object to the database

    • update to update an object in the database

BaseAdaptor has an AUTOLOAD that understands many variants of count_all, fetch_all, remove_all and update:

  • Filtering: fetch_by_name, fetch_by_analysis_id_AND_input_id, fetch_all_by_role_id_AND_status, count_all_by_from_analysis_id_AND_branch_code, remove_all_by_param_name

  • Limiting: update_status, update_attempted_jobs_AND_done_jobs

  • Transformation:

    • fetch_by_analysis_data_id_TO_data fetches the column data for a given analysis_data_id (returning the first row).

    • fetch_by_data_AND_md5sum_TO_analysis_data_id fetches the column analysis_data_id for a given pair (data, md5sum) (returning the first row).

    • fetch_by_a_multiplier_HASHED_FROM_digit_TO_partial_product produces a hash associating digit to partial_product for all the rows found matching a_multiplier (only one value per digit is kept).

    • fetch_all_by_job_id_AND_param_value_HASHED_FROM_origin_param_id_TO_param_name produces a hash associating origin_param_id to a list of param_name for all the rows matching the pair (job_id, param_value).

As a result, adaptors can be very short (see ResourceClassAdaptor). At the minimum they need to:

  1. Inherit from the right class (ObjectAdaptor or NakedTableAdaptor).

  2. Define the table they deal with.

  3. The class of objects they create (if they inherit from ObjectAdaptor).

Then they will implement methods that cannot be expressed with the syntax understood by AUTOLOAD (see SemaphoreAdaptor and AnalysisAdaptor), or that need a more meaningful name (see BeekeeperAdaptor::find_live_beekeepers_in_my_meadow).


You will also need to register your adaptor in %DBAdaptor::adaptor_type_2_package_name.


Objects that are assigned an automatically-increment database ID (dbID) must inherit from Storable. Storable comes with a convenient AUTOLOAD that associates object-attributes with dbID-attributes. For instance, if the analysis attribute is defined, you can call analysis_id and AUTOLOAD will return the dbID of the analysis. Reciprocally, if the analysis_id attribute is set and you call analysis, AUTOLOAD will fetch (or find, see the concept of Collections below) the Analysis object with the given dbID.

As a result, objects don’t need to implement getters/setters for Storable-inherited fields. For instance ResourceDescription only has getters/setters for meadow_type, submission_cmd_args, etc, but not resource_class and resource_class_id, because these automatically come with AUTOLOAD.


It is good practice to implement toString in every class.

HivePipeline and collections

eHive implements a caching layer that serves two purposes:

  1. Objects don’t always live in the database. This is the case when building a pipeline from a PipeConfig (either for or with the --pipeconfig parameter) or when running a Job in standalone mode (and maybe one day, whole pipelines too!).

  2. Fetching from the database has a cost, that is particularly visible when the database is busy.

The cache is implemented with a couple of objects and concepts:

  1. Utils::Collection is a very crude implementation of a collection. At the moment it is a simple list (meaning that all operations are O(n)!), but this could be improved by using lookup tables instead. Collections have methods to search, add and remove objects. They also implement a trash-bin (dark-collection) which allows buffering operations in memory before pushing them to the database, or even undeleting objects. The find_one_by/find_all_by methods understand a complex language that is the base for Analyses pattern syntax.

  2. HivePipeline is an object that glues together all the components of a pipeline (analyses, dataflows, etc). An instance of HivePipeline may have an hive_dba (a DBAdaptor). URLFactory and TheApiary ensure that each pipeline/database is only present once in memory. HivePipeline keeps a collection for each component type (the collection_of method).

  3. All objects that are intended to be used in a Collection should inherit from either Storable or Cacheable, which is the parent class of Storable. Especially, HivePipeline requires objects to implement unikey as a way of replicating on the software side SQL UNIQUE KEY.

Both Storable and ObjectAdaptor are aware of the caching layer, and all the relevant objects and adaptors are expected to be linked back to the pipeline with hive_pipeline, which allows fetching and linking through collections.

Schema changes

Each schema change is supposed to bring in the same commit several things:

  • a tag sql_schema_NNN_start with the auto-incremented schema version,

  • the new schema for all drivers (tables.*),

  • patches for all relevant drivers (patch_YYYY-MM-DD.*). They must check that the database version is n-1 before applying the changes. You can use scripts/dev/ to create template files.

  • the API change (adaptor and object).

You then need to update guiHive. This is done by registering the new version in the script. If the current guiHive code is compatible with the new schema, you can associate both. Otherwise you will have to create a new db_version/NNN in guiHive.

Internal versioning

eHive has a number of interfaces, that are mostly versioned. You can see them by running --versions:

CodeVersion     2.5
CompatibleHiveDatabaseSchemaVersion     92
CompatibleGuestLanguageCommunicationProtocolVersion     0.3
MeadowInterfaceVersion  5
Meadow::DockerSwarm     5.1     unavailable
Meadow::HTCondor        5.0     unavailable
Meadow::LOCAL   5.0     available
Meadow::LSF     5.2     unavailable
Meadow::PBSPro  5.1     unavailable
Meadow::SGE     4.0     incompatible
GuestLanguageInterfaceVersion   3
GuestLanguage[python3]  3.0     available
GuestLanguage[ruby]     N/A     unavailable
  • CodeVersion is the software version (see how it is handled in the section below).

  • CompatibleHiveDatabaseSchemaVersion is the database version. This is the version that matters. Most of the scripts will refuse to run on a database that comes from a different version.

  • MeadowInterfaceVersion is the major version of the Meadow interface. It follows semantic versioning, e.g. is incremented whenever an incompatible change is introduced. Meadows with a different major version number are listed as incompatible.

  • The interface for guest languages is versioned in a similar manner. GuestLanguageInterfaceVersion is the major version number, and is incremented whenever an incompatible change is introduced. GuestLanguage wrappers with a different major version number are listed as incompatible.

Releases, code branching and GIT

There are three kinds of branches in eHive:

  • version/X.Y represent released versions of eHive. They are considered stable, i.e. are feature-frozen, and only receive bug-fixes. Schema changes are prohibited as it would break the database versioning mechanism. Users on a given version/X.Y branch must be able to blindly update their checkout without risking breaking anything. It is forbidden to force push these branches (they are in fact marked as protected on Github).

  • main is the staging branch for the next stable release of eHive. It receives new features (incl. schema changes) until we decide to create a new version/X.Y branch out of it. Like version/X.Y, main is protected and cannot be force-pushed.

  • experimental/XXX are where experimental features are being developed. These branches can be created, removed or rebased at will. If you base your developments on someone else’s experimental branch, let them know in order to coordinate those changes!

When a bug is discovered, it should be fixed on the oldest stable branch it affects (and that is still actively maintained), and then cascade-merged right up to main, e.g. version/2.3 is merged into version/2.4, which is then merged into main. Some merges may fail because of conflict with other commits, some bugs have to be fixed differently on different branches. If that is the case, either fix the merge commit immediately, or do a merge for the sake of it (git merge -s ours) and then add the correct commits. Forcing merges to happen provides a clearer history and facilitates tools like git bisect.

Experimental branches should be rebased onto main just before the final merge (which then becomes a fast-forward). Together with the above rules, this keeps the history as linear as possible.

All changes should be done on an experimental branch or fork, and submitted as a pull request. Maintainers will bring in the pull request using GitHub’s “Rebase and merge” option. If the pull request is on a branch other than main, the maintainers will coordinate the subsequent cascade-merge up to main.

guiHive follows very similar rules:

  • db_version/NNN represent code introduced with the version NNN of the database schema. As the guiHive implementation is entirely internal, we can release new features on existing db_version/NNN branches

  • server represent the main HTTP server. It doesn’t really have to change unless when a new database version is registered in

  • master is not used any more. Do not touch it! It points at a much earlier version of guiHive where the various version-specific implementations were all mixed in the source tree rather than being on different branches.

When pushing changes, also do a cascade-merge (see above).

Continuous integration

Regressions are controlled using the test-suite (which runs on Travis CI). New developments should be tested (if not with unit tests, at least by running integration tests, e.g. a Beekeeper). Exceptions are made for situations that cannot be replicated in a test environment, e.g. massive parallelism, compute clusters, etc.

Code coverage can be examined on, which often much better views than the other tool used in Ensembl: Coveralls. Python code can be analysed on Code Climate.

Finally, GitHub automatically triggers new builds of the documentation (here, on ReadTheDocs) and the Docker images.

Code guidelines

There are very few rules when writing new code:

  1. For indentation use four spaces, not tabs.

  2. Only use ASCII characters. The only exception at the moment are and which are used for the Unicode Art output of, but they are meant to be replaced with character names (resp. code points), e.g. \N{BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT} (resp. \N{U+255A}).

  3. Use snake_case for subroutine and variable names, CamelCase for class names.

When updating code, try to keep the changes minimal, avoiding white-space changes when possible. You can also consider breaking the four-spaces rule if you can avoid changing the indentation of a massive code block. Obviously, this does not apply to languages and documents where the indentation matters (Python, reStructuredText, etc).

All the scripts should work without the user having to setup PATH or PERL5LIB. They need to assume a default installation, with both scripts/ and modules/ at the root of the repository. EHIVE_ROOT_DIR can also be set to prevent this automatic discovery.