ensembl-hive  2.5
Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process:

Public Member Functions

public new ()
public life_cycle ()
public say_with_header ()
public enter_status ()
public warning ()
public param_defaults ()
public fetch_input ()
public run ()
public write_output ()
public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker worker ()
public execute_writes ()
public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor db ()
public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection dbc ()
public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection data_dbc ()
public Returns run_system_command ()
public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob input_job ()
public input_id ()
public param ()
public param_required ()
public param_exists ()
public param_is_defined ()
public param_substitute ()
public dataflow_output_id ()
public dataflow_output_ids_from_json ()
public throw ()
public This complete_early ()
public Int debug ()
public worker_temp_directory ()
public worker_temp_directory_name ()
public cleanup_worker_temp_directory ()

Detailed Description


    Abstract superclass.  Each Process makes up the individual building blocks 
    of the system.  Instances of these processes are created in a hive workflow 
    graph of Analysis entries that are linked together with dataflow and 
    AnalysisCtrl rules.
    Instances of these Processes are created by the system as work is done.
    The newly created Process will have preset $self->db, $self->dbc, $self->input_id
    and several other variables. 
    From this input and configuration data, each Process can then proceed to 
    do something.  The flow of execution within a Process is:
        pre_cleanup() if($retry_count>0);   # clean up databases/filesystem before subsequent attempts
        fetch_input();                      # fetch the data from databases/filesystems
        run();                              # perform the main computation 
        write_output();                     # record the results in databases/filesystems
        post_healthcheck();                 # check if we got the expected result (optional)
        post_cleanup();                     # destroy all non-trivial data structures after the job is done
    The developer can implement their own versions of
    pre_cleanup, fetch_input, run, write_output, and post_cleanup to do what they need.  

    The entire system is based around the concept of a workflow graph which
    can split and loop back on itself.  This is accomplished by dataflow
    rules (similar to Unix pipes) that connect one Process (or analysis) to others.
    Where a Unix command line program can send output on STDOUT STDERR pipes, 
    a hive Process has access to unlimited pipes referenced by numerical 
    branch_codes. This is accomplished within the Process via 
    The design philosophy is that each Process does its work and creates output, 
    but it doesn't worry about where the input came from, or where its output 
    goes. If the system has dataflow pipes connected, then the output jobs 
    have purpose, if not - the output work is thrown away.  The workflow graph 
    'controls' the behaviour of the system, not the processes.  The processes just 
    need to do their job.  The design of the workflow graph is based on the knowledge 
    of what each Process does so that the graph can be correctly constructed.
    The workflow graph can be constructed a priori or can be constructed and 
    modified by intelligent Processes as the system runs.

    The Hive is based on AI concepts and modeled on the social structure and 
    behaviour of a honey bee hive. So where a worker honey bee's purpose is
    (go find pollen, bring back to hive, drop off pollen, repeat), an ensembl-hive 
    worker's purpose is (find a job, create a Process for that job, run it,
    drop off output job(s), repeat).  While most workflow systems are based 
    on 'smart' central controllers and external control of 'dumb' processes, 
    the Hive is based on 'dumb' workflow graphs and job kiosk, and 'smart' workers 
    (autonomous agents) who are self configuring and figure out for themselves what 
    needs to be done, and then do it.  The workers are based around a set of 
    emergent behaviour rules which allow a predictible system behaviour to emerge 
    from what otherwise might appear at first glance to be a chaotic system. There 
    is an inherent asynchronous disconnect between one worker and the next.  
    Work (or jobs) are simply 'posted' on a blackboard or kiosk within the hive 
    database where other workers can find them.  
    The emergent behaviour rules of a worker are:
    1) If a job is posted, someone needs to do it.
    2) Don't grab something that someone else is working on
    3) Don't grab more than you can handle
    4) If you grab a job, it needs to be finished correctly
    5) Keep busy doing work
    6) If you fail, do the best you can to report back

    For further reading on the AI principles employed in this design see:

Definition at line 77 of file Process.pm.

Member Function Documentation

◆ cleanup_worker_temp_directory()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::cleanup_worker_temp_directory ( )
    Title   :  cleanup_worker_temp_directory
    Function:  Cleans up the directory on the local /tmp disk that is used for the
               worker. It can be used to remove files left there by previous jobs.
    Usage   :  $self->cleanup_worker_temp_directory;
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◆ complete_early()

public This Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::complete_early ( )
  Arg[1]      : (string) message
  Arg[2]      : (integer, optional) branch number
  Description : Ends the job with the given message, whilst marking the job as complete
                Dataflows to the given branch right before if a branch number if given,
                in which case the autoflow is disabled too.
  Returntype  : This function does not return
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◆ data_dbc()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::data_dbc ( )
    Title   :   data_dbc
    Usage   :   my $data_dbc = $self->data_dbc;
    Function:   returns a Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection object (the "current" one by default, but can be set up otherwise)
    Returns :   Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection
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◆ dataflow_output_id()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::dataflow_output_id ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ dataflow_output_ids_from_json()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::dataflow_output_ids_from_json ( )
    Title   :  dataflow_output_ids_from_json
    Arg[1]  :  File name
    Arg[2]  :  (optional) Branch number, defaults to 1 (see AnalysisJob::dataflow_output_id)
    Function:  Wrapper around dataflow_output_id that takes the output_ids from a JSON file.
               Each line in the JSON file is expected to be a complete JSON structure, which
               may be prefixed with a branch number
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◆ db()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::db ( )
    Title   :   db
    Usage   :   my $hiveDBA = $self->db;
    Function:   returns DBAdaptor to Hive database
    Returns :   Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
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◆ dbc()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::dbc ( )
    Title   :   dbc
    Usage   :   my $hiveDBConnection = $self->dbc;
    Function:   returns DBConnection to Hive database
    Returns :   Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBConnection
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◆ debug()

public Int Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::debug ( )
    Title   :  debug
    Function:  Gets/sets flag for debug level. Set through Worker/runWorker.pl
               Subclasses should treat as a read_only variable.
    Returns :  integer
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◆ enter_status()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::enter_status ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ execute_writes()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::execute_writes ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ fetch_input()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::fetch_input ( )
    Title   :  fetch_input
    Function:  sublcass can implement functions related to data fetching.
               Typical acivities would be to parse $self->input_id .
               Subclasses may also want to fetch data from databases
               or from files within this function.
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◆ input_id()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::input_id ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ input_job()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::input_job ( )
    Title   :  input_job
    Function:  Returns the AnalysisJob to be run by this process
               Subclasses should treat this as a read_only object.          
    Returns :  Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob object
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◆ life_cycle()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::life_cycle ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ new()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::new ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ param()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::param ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ param_defaults()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::param_defaults ( )
    Title   :  param_defaults
    Function:  sublcass can define defaults for all params used by the RunnableDB/Process
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◆ param_exists()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::param_exists ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ param_is_defined()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::param_is_defined ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ param_required()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::param_required ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ param_substitute()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::param_substitute ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ run()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::run ( )
    Title   :  run
    Function:  sublcass can implement functions related to process execution.
               Typical activities include running external programs or running
               algorithms by calling perl methods.  Process may also choose to
               parse results into memory if an external program was used.
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◆ run_system_command()

public Returns Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::run_system_command ( )
    Title   :  run_system_command
    Arg[1]  :  (string or arrayref) Command to be run
    Arg[2]  :  (hashref, optional) Options, amongst:
  • use_bash_pipefail: when enabled, a command with pipes will require all sides to succeed
  • use_bash_errexit: when enabled, will stop at the first failure (otherwise commands such as "do_something_that_fails; do_something_that_succeeds" would return 0)
  • timeout: the maximum number of seconds the command can run for. Will return the exit code -2 if the command has to be aborted Usage : my $return_code = $self->run_system_command('script.sh with many_arguments'); # Command as a single string my $return_code = $self->run_system_command(['script.sh', 'arg1', 'arg2']); # Command as an array-ref my ($return_code, $stderr, $string_command) = $self->run_system_command(['script.sh', 'arg1', 'arg2']); # Same in list-context. $string_command will be "script.sh arg1 arg2" my $return_code = $self->run_system_command('script1.sh with many_arguments | script2.sh', {'use_bash_pipefail' => 1}); # Command with pipes evaluated in a bash "pipefail" environment Function: Runs a command given as a single-string or an array-ref. The second argument is a list of options Returns : Returns the return-code in scalar context, or a triplet (return-code, standard-error, command) in list context
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◆ say_with_header()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::say_with_header ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ throw()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::throw ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ warning()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::warning ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ worker()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::worker ( )
    Title   :   worker
    Usage   :   my $worker = $self->worker;
    Function:   returns the Worker object this Process is run by
    Returns :   Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker
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◆ worker_temp_directory()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::worker_temp_directory ( )
    Title   :  worker_temp_directory
    Function:  Returns a path to a directory on the local /tmp disk 
               which the subclass can use as temporary file space.
               This directory is made the first time the function is called.
               It persists for as long as the worker is alive.  This allows
               multiple jobs run by the worker to potentially share temp data.
               For example the worker (which is a single Analysis) might need
               to dump a datafile file which is needed by all jobs run through 
               this analysis.  The process can first check the worker_temp_directory
               for the file and dump it if it is missing.  This way the first job
               run by the worker will do the dump, but subsequent jobs can reuse the 
    Usage   :  $tmp_dir = $self->worker_temp_directory;
    Returns :  <string> path to a local (/tmp) directory
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◆ worker_temp_directory_name()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::worker_temp_directory_name ( )

Undocumented method

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◆ write_output()

public Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process::write_output ( )
    Title   :  write_output
    Function:  sublcass can implement functions related to storing results.
               Typical activities including writing results into database tables
               or into files on a shared filesystem.
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