hoover_pipeline.pl {-url <url> | -reg_conf <reg_conf> -reg_alias <reg_alias>} [ { -before_datetime <datetime> | -days_ago <days_ago> } ]
hoover_pipeline.pl is a script used to remove old “DONE” Jobs from a continuously running pipeline database
# delete all Jobs that have been "DONE" for at least a week (default threshold) :
hoover_pipeline.pl -url "mysql://ensadmin:${ENSADMIN_PSW}@localhost:3306/lg4_long_mult"
# delete all Jobs that have been "DONE" for at least a given number of days
hoover_pipeline.pl -url "mysql://ensadmin:${ENSADMIN_PSW}@localhost:3306/lg4_long_mult" -days_ago 3
# delete all Jobs "DONE" before a specific datetime:
hoover_pipeline.pl -url "mysql://ensadmin:${ENSADMIN_PSW}@localhost:3306/lg4_long_mult" -before_datetime "2013-02-14 15:42:50"
- --reg_conf <path>
path to a Registry configuration file
- --reg_type <string>
type of the registry entry (“hive”, “core”, “compara”, etc - defaults to “hive”)
- --reg_alias <string>
species/alias name for the eHive DBAdaptor
- --url <url string>
URL defining where eHive database is located
- --nosqlvc
“No SQL Version Check” - set if you want to force working with a database created by a potentially schema-incompatible API
- --before_datetime <string>
delete Jobs “DONE” before a specific time
- --days_ago <num>
delete Jobs that have been “DONE” for at least <num> days
- -h, --help
show this help message