Meadows and Resource Classes
For eHive to run a pipeline, it has to be able to create Workers as actual computational processes with an entry in some sort of process table. The interface between eHive and the underlying scheduler is called a “Meadow”. There are Meadows available for a number of job schedulers, and there is a special Meadow called “LOCAL” that allows Jobs to be run directly on a local machine (e.g. the same machine where the Beekeeper is running).
eHive autodetects available Meadows when a Pipeline is initialised
, and when it is run using the Beekeeper. In
order for a Meadow to be available, two conditions must be met:
The appropriate Meadow driver must be installed and accessible to Perl (e.g. in your $PERL5LIB).
Meadow drivers for SLURM and for the LOCAL Meadow are included with the eHive distribution. Other Meadow drivers are available in their own repositories.
The Beekeeper must be running on a head node that can submit jobs managed by the corresponding job management engine.
An Analysis can be assigned to a particular Meadow using the
optional meadow_type
directive in its analysis definition. Typically, this is used to force an
Analysis to run in the LOCAL Meadow, although any Meadow name can be
assigned. If a Meadow is assigned using meadow_type
then the
Analysis is constrained to only run in that Meadow.
If no Meadow is specified for an Analysis, it will run in the default Meadow. This is usually an available non-LOCAL Meadow, or LOCAL if that is the only Meadow available.
Resource Classes
In eHive, appropriate computational resources are assigned to Analyses through the use of “Resource Classes”. A Resource Class consists of a “Resource Description” which is identified by a “Resource Class Name”. In early eHive releases, a Resource Class could also be identified by a “Resource Class ID”; these may still be encountered in older PipeConfig files.
The Resource Class name can any arbitrary string (whitespace is not allowed), but it must be unique within the pipeline.
The Resource Description is a data structure (in practice written as a perl hashref) that links Meadows to a job scheduler submission string for that Meadow. For example, the following data structure defines a Resource Class with a Resource Class Name ‘1Gb_job’. This Resource Class has a Resource Description for running under the SLURM scheduler, and another description for running under the LSF scheduler:
'1Gb_job' => { 'SLURM' => ' --time=1:00:00 --mem=1000m',
'LSF' => '-M 1024 -R"select[mem>1024] rusage[mem=1024ma]"',
Resource Classes are defined in the resource_class method of a PipeConfig file.