

The Beekeeper is in charge of interfacing between the eHive database a compute resource or ‘compute farm’. Its Job is to synchronise both, to assess the compute requirements of the pipeline and to send the requested number of workers to open machines via the script.

It is also responsible for identifying workers which died unexpectedly so that dead workers can be released and unfinished Jobs reclaimed.


    # Usually run after the pipeline has been created to calculate the internal statistics necessary for eHive functioning -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/ehive_dbname -sync

    # Do not run any additional Workers, just check for the current status of the pipeline: -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/ehive_dbname

    # Run the pipeline in automatic mode (-loop), run all the workers locally (-meadow_type LOCAL) and allow for 3 parallel workers (-total_running_workers_max 3) -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/long_mult_test -meadow_type LOCAL -total_running_workers_max 3 -loop

    # Run in automatic mode, but only restrict to running blast-related analyses with the exception of analyses 4..6 -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/long_mult_test -analyses_pattern 'blast%-4..6' -loop

    # Restrict the normal execution to one iteration only - can be used for testing a newly set up pipeline -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/long_mult_test -run

    # Reset failed 'buggy_analysis' Jobs to 'READY' state, so that they can be run again -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/long_mult_test -analyses_pattern buggy_analysis -reset_failed_jobs

    # Do a cleanup: find and bury dead workers, reclaim their Jobs -url mysql://username:secret@hostname:port/long_mult_test -dead


Connection parameters

--reg_conf <path>

Path to a Registry configuration file

--reg_type <string>

Type of the registry entry (“hive”, “core”, “compara”, etc. - defaults to “hive”)

--reg_alias <string>

Species / alias name for the eHive DBAdaptor

--url <url string>

URL defining where eHive database is located


“No SQL Version Check” - set if you want to force working with a database created by a potentially schema-incompatible API

Configs overriding

--config_file <string>

JSON file (with absolute path) to override the default configurations (could be multiple)

Looping control


run autonomously, loops and sleeps. Equivalent to -loop_until ANALYSIS_FAILURE


sets the level of event that will cause the Beekeeper to stop looping:


stop looping if any Job fails


stop looping if any Analysis has Job failures exceeding its fault tolerance


ignore Job and Analysis failures, keep looping until there is no work


ignore failures and no work, keep looping


(Deprecated) alias for -loop_until FOREVER

--max_loops <num>

perform max this # of loops in autonomous mode. The Beekeeper will stop when it has performed max_loops loops, even in FOREVER mode

--job_id <job_id>

run one iteration for this job_id


run one iteration of automation loop

--sleep <num>

when looping, sleep <num> minutes (default 1 min)

Current Meadow control

--meadow_type <string>

the desired Meadow class name, such as ‘LSF’ or ‘LOCAL’

--total_running_workers_max <num>

max # workers to be running in parallel

--submit_workers_max <num>

max # workers to create per loop iteration

--submission_options <string>

passes <string> to the Meadow submission command as <options> (formerly lsf_options)

--submit_log_dir <dir>

record submission output+error streams into files under the given directory (to see why some workers fail after submission)

Worker control

--analyses_pattern <string>

restrict the sync operation, printing of stats or looping of the Beekeeper to the specified subset of Analyses


prevent workers from re-specializing into another Analysis (within resource_class) after their previous Analysis is exhausted


run all workers with -force (see

--killworker <worker_id>

kill Worker by worker_id

--life_span <num>

number of minutes each Worker is allowed to run

--job_limit <num>

Number of Jobs to run before Worker can die naturally


if a Job dies *knowingly* (e.g. by encountering a die statement in the Runnable), should we retry it by default?

--hive_log_dir <path>

directory where stdout/stderr of the eHive is redirected

--worker_delay_startup_seconds <number>

number of seconds each Worker has to wait before first talking to the database (0 by default, useful for debugging)

--worker_crash_on_startup_prob <float>

probability of each Worker failing at startup (0 by default, useful for debugging)

--debug <debug_level>

set debug level of the workers

Other commands/options


print this help


report both eHive code version and eHive database schema version


detect all unaccounted dead workers and reset their Jobs for resubmission


re-synchronise the ehive


detect all workers in UNKWN state and reset their Jobs for resubmission (careful, they *may* reincarnate!)


shut everything down: block all beekeepers connected to the pipeline and terminate workers


tell the database all workers are dead (no checks are performed in this mode, so be very careful!)


set all Semaphore counters to the numbers of unDONE fan Jobs (emergency use only)


show status of each running Worker


show all failed Jobs

--job_output <job_id>

print details for one Job

--reset_job_id <num>

reset a Job back to READY so it can be rerun


reset FAILED Jobs of analyses matching -analyses_pattern back to READY so they can be rerun


reset DONE and PASSED_ON Jobs of analyses matching -analyses_pattern back to READY so they can be rerun


reset FAILED, DONE and PASSED_ON Jobs of analyses matching -analyses_pattern back to READY so they can be rerun


mark FAILED Jobs of analyses matching -analyses_pattern as DONE, and update their Semaphores. NOTE: This does not make them dataflow


mark READY Jobs of analyses matching -analyses_pattern as DONE, and update their Semaphores. NOTE: This does not make them dataflow


set SEMAPHORED Jobs of analyses matching -analyses_pattern to READY so they can start