Packaging instructions


This document assumes you have already package your own code and its dependencies in a Docker image, or know how to do it.

First of all, you may need to encode the Resource Classes of your pipeline with the DockerSwarm syntax: by default, the meadow will otherwise request just one CPU and not constraint the memory.

The Resource Class should be a stringified Perl hash. As of the version 1.30 of the Docker Engine API, these parameters are accepted:

    'Limits'  => {
        'NanoCPUs'     => 1000000000,       # 1 CPU
        'MemoryBytes'  => 1073741824,       # 1 GiB
    'Reservations'  => {
        'NanoCPUs'     => 1000000000,       # 1 CPU
        'MemoryBytes'  => 1073741824,       # 1 GiB

Then, it is a matter of packaging the application as a Docker image. The Dockerfile should essentially be a merge of both ensembl-hive’s and ensembl-hive-docker-swarm’s Dockerfiles. Here’s how it might look:

# NOTE-1

# NOTE-2
# Install git
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y git && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

# NOTE-3
# Clone the repos
RUN mkdir /repo \
    && git clone -b master /repo/ensembl-hive \
    && git clone -b master /repo/ensembl-hive-docker-swarm

# NOTE-4
# Install all the dependencies
RUN /repo/ensembl-hive/docker/ \
    && /repo/ensembl-hive/docker/ /repo/ensembl-hive /repo/ensembl-hive-docker-swarm

# NOTE-5
# Setup eHive (image name, and installation path)
COPY hive_config.json /root/.hive_config.json

ENV EHIVE_ROOT_DIR "/repo/ensembl-hive"
ENV PATH "/repo/ensembl-hive/scripts:$PATH"
ENV PERL5LIB "/repo/ensembl-hive-docker-swarm/modules:/repo/ensembl-hive/modules:$PERL5LIB"

# NOTE-6
ENTRYPOINT [ "/repo/ensembl-hive/scripts/dev/" ]
CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]


  1. You will have to either replace ${BASE_IMAGE_NAME} with your own image or include the instructions to install and setup your own code.

  2. If git is already installed, you obviously don’t need to install it again.

  3. Instead of the master branch, you should probably use one of the released, stable, branches (e.g. version/2.6). For reproducibility, you can also consider using specific commits.

  4. eHive comes with a scripts to setup a few OSes (e.g. Ubuntu-16.04, CentOS-7). If your OS is not listed, write a script to adapt these.

  5. The configuration file is a JSON file that mostly tells eHive the name of the image it will be running. You can also set up the path to in case you can’t setup $PATH correctly, and define mount-points that are needed by your application.

        "Meadow" : {
            "DockerSwarm" : {
                "ImageName"     : "ensemblorg/ensembl-hive-docker-swarm",
                "RunWorkerPath" : "/repo/ensembl-hive/scripts/",
                "Mounts"        : [
                        "Type"      : "bind",
                        "Source"    : "/opt/deps",
                        "Target"    : "/opt/deps"
  6. An “init” system is required for Beekeeper to run “LOCAL” Workers. It is also generally required if your application contains services or daemons. eHive’s minimalistic script only ensures that all the processes are properly ripped.

That’s it! You’re all set to build or push your new image to a hub. Then, simply come back to our Tutorial, replacing both the image name and the PipeConfig name.